First Workshop on Revision of Guidelines of Forest Management Planning

In 2009, The Forestry Development Authority (FDA) developed the Guidelines for Forest Management Planning (GFMP). The GFMP aim at providing practical and technical information on the methods to be used for designing and implementing Forest Management Plans (FMP) for sustainable forestry. The document was developed for concessionaires, i.e., the holders of a Forest Management Contract (FMC), in charge of managing their forest concessions in line with the concession agreements which have been ratified by...

EU Ambassador visits scaling training

The VPA Support Unit 2 (VPA-SU2) supported a four-day scaling training program. The training was held in the log yard of African Wood and Lumber Company which is the Third Party Operator of the Marblee & Karblee Community Forest. The log yard is located in Compound #2, Grand Bassa County....