Supporting the Implementation of Liberia's Voluntary Partnership Agreement


DAI in cooperation with DFS financed by the EUROPEAN UNION

Scaling training at Sewacajua

The VPA Support Unit-2 facilitated a four-day training program on scaling of logs for FDA Chain of Custody (CoC) Rangers assigned to Regions 4 and 5 (i.e., Sinoe, Grand Gedeh, River Gee, Grand Kru, and Maryland Counties) and members of the Sewacajua Community Forest Management Body (CFMB). The Mandra Forestry Limited Company, the Third-Party Operator of the Sewacajua Community Forest, hosted the training at its log landings in Sinoe County. 18 persons attended the training. Two Regional Foresters (RF), three Contract Administrators, twelve CoC Rangers, and one Community Scaler from the CFMB participated in the training. Zeon Whawhen (VPA-SU2) served as a mentor.

The training had the primary objective to improve the quality and accuracy of scalers’ work in terms of volume calculation and reporting. Tree species identification, measurement of log diameter and length, volume calculation, and data recording in line with the Chain of Custody requirements were covered. The Training-of-Trainers (ToT) approach intended to increase the understanding of potential trainers identified during last year’s training. They demonstrated their skills in training other FDA Staff and CFMB member. The training aimed at:

  • Improving knowledge and skills of CFMB members in volume calculation and other essential topics, such as accurate calculation of community benefits from the forest/stumpage.
  • Mentoring trainers in the context of the Training of Trainers approach as they demonstrated their skills as lead trainers.
  • Improving the FDA field staff aptitude, especially staff with little field experience
  • Refreshing field staff of Regions 4 and 5 in understanding of the Chain of Custody System.

Trainend trainer demonstrates log volume calculation

FDA ranger finds the average diameter of a log

Community scaler measures the diameter of the log

FDA ranger measures the log diameter

Trained trainer validates log marking on both faces of the log

The outcomes of the training are as follows:

  • The training refreshed field staff of both regions as they had problems with several aspects, including measurement tape positioning, reading barcodes, and recording data.
  • Community scalers had a different approach/method in calculating the log volume. The ToTs made corrections to the Community Scaler’s approach and introduced the ATIBT (Association Technique Internationale des Bois Tropicaux) standard used in Liberia.
  • The trained trainers performed well in practical activities but need to improve their lecturing ability a little more.

Written by Zeon Whawhen